As little girls we all had our favorite Disney Movies like Alice in Wonderland or The Wizard of Oz. Some of my favorite movies were the darker take on those classics like Alice Through The Looking Glass & Return to OZ. I am not sure what it is, but something about VISIONAIRE limited edition "bookzine" evokes the same feeling that the twisted takes on those Disney classics did. The combo book/magazine prints are only released 3 times a year with a different format and theme for each issue. VISIONAIRE is a forum for fashion, art, and image makers to make a statement that I don't think any other publication is making. Recently, Perez Hilton posted photos of Ashley Olsen in the current is of VISIONAIRE and not to be cheesy, but they are visionary and made me want to look closer at VISIONAIRE! Take a look at some of the different covers below since it's start in 1991.
*CINDERELLA ISSUE "The theme of this issue was the much-loved-and very fashiony-fairy tale ''Cinderella.'' We imagined we were making a film and asking each of the various directors (contributing artists) to shoot a scene. Raymond Meier portrayed Cinderella's ride to the castle and the magical moment when the glass shoe fits. Mats Gustafson transformed the pumpkin into a Rolls Royce"
**SPRING ISSUE "to evoke theme-innocence & a fresh beginning"
**SPRING ISSUE "to evoke theme-innocence & a fresh beginning"
*MOVEMENT ISSUE "One of our most conceptual issues-not only because it was based on the abstract notion of motion but also because the images were printed on vellum, a near-transparent material that enhanced the stop-motion effects of the photographs. We used another technology-lenticular photography-to create the 3-D front- and back-cover images of Kate Moss swinging to and fro."
*FASHION SPECIAL ISSUE "Forty-four artists, photographers, and image-makers were asked to give their personal interpretation of clothing selected from the collections of forty-five of the world's most innovative and influential fashion designers."
*DESIRE ISSUE "collaboration with DIFFA, Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS, and an opportunity to support a cause very close to Visionaire. "
*THE ALPHABET ISSUE "The Concept was exciting: The B from Harper's Bazaar and the V from Vogue could all appear on our cover, along with many other famous typefaces. In the end it even became a kind of guessing game: ''Name that logo.'' The only drawback was that for months after this cover was made, there was not a magazine, phone book, or cereal box in the house that didn't have a hole cut out of it. "
*EROTICA ISSUE "They say sex sells, and EROTICA flew out of the stores (after Issue 1, it is the hardest issue to come by). In printing Steven Meisel's anatomical close-up we came to an important realization. Namely, that Visionaire was here to print things that no other publication would. "