Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Parents Pics

I can distinctly remember these two photos of my parents at the beach in the 70s. Both pics were super grainy and one was my dad sitting on the beach with white sunscreen on his nose, navy blue trunks with a yellow stripe up the side and he was rocking the perfect 70s waive of a hair cut. The other was my mom laid out with her dark mohican skin in a bright red bathing suit looking slightly regal. I remember loving those pictures so much. Even as a little girl I loved how vintage they looked. They embodied a 70s beach day.
Today, I was perusing for art because my BFF and I want something original and amazing on our new "beach house" wall. I came across Shehitpausestudios. The photos brought back the same feeling that those pics of my parents did and I instantly wanted one! Matt Schwartz, the Polaroid photographer, takes you a different decade with this art and I think maybe I hit a gold mine :) Take a look!