My mother has the uncanny ability to know what is "it" before "it" even knows it is "it" (that was a complicated sentence but you catch my drift). She is always in the know and for a long time I fought the notion that she could possible ALWAYS know what she was talking about, but I think I have to concede. A couple of months ago she took up knitting and if you know my mother you understand that I practically passed out. She calmly responded with you will see. Ladies & gentleman I give you..... Knitting comes to high-end fashion sites! Below is InStyles "Whats Hot Now" and Net-A-Porter, a site frequented by the people like Miss Beckham herself, selling the new hot item of the season........" A KNITTING KIT INSPIRED BY MISSONI"!!!!
**P.S. How does she always know?! Its frightening is what "it" is!
**P.P.S They are predicting a cult hobby out of this trend!