Say what you will about Olivia Palermo's personality but you have got to give it to her....the girl can dress. She does a perfect job of pairing pieces that you would never think she would wear from....GASP "mall stores" with vintage and high end pieces. She works in Armani Exchange with $1200 latex leggings and makes it look pretty flawless. Typically, when someone has a horrific personality I tend to not be able to look past it to be able to see their style. For example, I rarely speak of Jessica Alba or Megan Fox....they are gorgeous and wear great clothes but I can not stand to hear them speak therefore, I don't think they should be recognized for they clothing! I know ridiculous! Anyway, although she is right up there with Alba and Fox her outfits surpass her person. So take a look below!
P.S. If you ever watched the City you would be obsessed with her closet! I think it should be mandatory that we all get at least one walk in closet with a chandelier inside in our life time! Even if our whole house is the closet it might be worth it!