Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Slow Ride

One of my all time favorite movie soundtracks is from the movie Dazed & Confused. It is just the best songs of the 70s and should be listened to on repeat :) So I was more than excited today when shopbop was featuring a Dazed & Confused lookbook and urge you to shop the "updated 70s looks". I am not sure you totally rock all of these items but they make me hear all the songs from the soundtrack and any pics that evoke that I love!

**ShopBop goes 70s**

**Georgina Goodman Platforms I am OBESESSED with these Bad Boys!**

**Mike & Chris Flannel Comes in Two different Plaids**
**p.s. Literature Noir Makes the best fitting Plaid Shirt Nordstroms!!**

**291 Together Hippies Comes in Yellow & White**

**Zimmerman Jean Play Suit**

**Just a few from the movie**