Many months ago I was introduced to the website & if you have not seen it, take a look you will not go another day with out checking it out. They are constantly showing us everything from vintage chanel dresses to equivalent pieces that you can get from places like for super cheap. My fav is when they do their "Girl Of the Month". The girl is always gorgeous with ridiculous style. This month it is model Dree Hemingway, side note why do these girls also always have the best names. It would be nice if with being gorgeous and having access to the best clothes on the planet they could at least have some plain name that make us feel like they were sort of normal in one way. favorite look was this flannel unbuttoned over her agent provocateur's gangster bra. So hard to pull off this look but she does it perfectly.
**Dree Hemingway**
*WWWD also features and equivalent flannel from National Jean Company & make sure you peruse this site too there are alot of really cute finds!**