I heard once that the reason why certain phrases or sayings are cliche is because they are so true they have to be said over and over again. I sorta feel that way about certain icons like Audrey Hepburn or Marilyn Monroe. In some way it feels "trendy" to quote them or like them, but I decided the reason why it is "trendy" is because they are so likeable and quotable so I am over it. I came across this quote by Audrey Hepburn while perusing
http://www.etsy.com/ (which please check this site out,it has amazing finds) and I just thought I needed to post it. I hope you like it as much as I did and who cares if its cliche or trendy cause its still the truth! :)

"I believe in Manicures. I believe in Overdressing. I believe in Primping at leisure and wearing Lipstick. I believe that Laughing is the best calorie burner. I Believe in Kissing; Kissing a lot. I believe in Being Strong when everything else seems to be going wrong. I believe Happy Girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I Believe in Miracles."
- Audrey Hepburn
**Etsy Features this quote and many others as vinyl wall designs by WillowCreekSigns. Check out SpruceHome on Etsy as well they have great vintage hand made furniture!**