Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Parents Pics

I can distinctly remember these two photos of my parents at the beach in the 70s. Both pics were super grainy and one was my dad sitting on the beach with white sunscreen on his nose, navy blue trunks with a yellow stripe up the side and he was rocking the perfect 70s waive of a hair cut. The other was my mom laid out with her dark mohican skin in a bright red bathing suit looking slightly regal. I remember loving those pictures so much. Even as a little girl I loved how vintage they looked. They embodied a 70s beach day.
Today, I was perusing for art because my BFF and I want something original and amazing on our new "beach house" wall. I came across Shehitpausestudios. The photos brought back the same feeling that those pics of my parents did and I instantly wanted one! Matt Schwartz, the Polaroid photographer, takes you a different decade with this art and I think maybe I hit a gold mine :) Take a look!


This dress is super cute and perfect for a summer outing! Myne actually makes a lot of cute affordable wearable items and this one might be my fav for the season.

*Myne Hazel Dress**

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Love this!

I just love this.....

Is This Strange?

Is it odd that I think I could live in this bathroom...sooo pretty!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Moments Of Insanity

Ok so we all have those outfits that even before we purchase them we recognize that "yes I will definitely look back and wonder what was I thinking?", but yet we are still willing to take the plunge! I think that this denim jumpsuit by Sunner is definitely one of those items, but I think for now I love it. I know that I might purchase this and hate it the second I stepped into it....or maybe I would think it was the most genius item I had ever ventured to wear?! I think sometimes its worth a try! Who wants to always be boring anyway??? :)

Slightly Disturbing

I find it slightly disturbing that I am already starting to see Fall Items as "what to buy" online and in the stores . Hello it is not even JULY yet?! However, I will make an exception to my issue with "the pushing the next season before the current season has even begun" for these Chloe Terry Over the Knee Boots! These are amazing in every sense of the word & although if I bought these I would have no money for food or gas or anything else necessary in my life I think I might be happy starving and walking everywhere if I was doing it in these bad boys. Take a gander!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Gate B

Do you remember Latetia Coasta? Well if you didnt spend the primary amount of your child hood in the 90s you might not , but she is seriously memorable and Iam pretty sure she looks more insane than ever! The pics below are pretty amazing and are sort of making me want to wear denim on denim?! Is that a problem for anyone? :)

P.S. Is this what you are supposed to look like at the airport?


MODELS MARYNA LINCHUK AND ANNA SELEZNEVA at Paris Fashion week. I mean come on really? I need to live their lives I am thinking that is not to big of a request!

*photo from

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Don't Retire Me Just Yet!

OK so if you are anything like me you have too many clothes relative to space for actually housing all of your items. Don't get me wrong half of them are not wearable and I refuse to give them away because that "weird bright yellow t-shirt" just might be needed for something right? Anyway, so I try to put the clothes I don't need immediate access to either at the bottom of my dresser or in my current situation, towards the middle of the closet where the doors meet. Getting to that part of the closet is just a pain and I might as well put items like my weird yellow t-shirt or the jeans I don't see breaking out any time soon in that black hole. I have a great pair of high-waisted dark James jeans that I was contemplating moving to where "the doors meet". Today, however I saw this pic on Street Chic in NY. She wears these high-waisted jeans perfectly and i love love them with the low cami. Iam thinking I keep those James jeans a little more accessible for a bit??

**P.S. Girls key in my opinion the key to these is the length perfectly over the toe!
Short in these pants= REAL REAL BAD!

Hi-lite ME!

I am obsessed with Blake Lively's look at the 2009 CFDA Awards. This hot pink number reminds me of hi-liter pink and I was trying to do this exact look with the nude heels to a summer wedding I am going to. I wonder if Michael Kors would mind sending me this dress from his Fall 09 not yet released line like he did for Blake?? I am thinking he might!

The Snow Queen

When my sister and I were little we were obsessed with this movie series called Fairy Tale Theater. Movies like Snow White, Hansel and Gretel, and Rapunzel were made with real actors and now looking back I am sure they are quite cheesy and hilarious. To us they are still classics! One of my favorites was called the Snow Queen and I sort of imagine this necklace on her underneath all her white fur :)!!

P.S. Although this one is out of my price range at the current moment I have been searching for the perfect bib necklace and I love love this Kenneth Layne Fancy Stones Bib Necklace

Monday, June 15, 2009

Maybe I Can Just Move Once A Month!

Daily I become more an more obsessed with decorating. I used to think you should always stay simple and classic, but imagine if you could decorate a different house every month how different you could do each one? Woodson & Rummerfield's House of Design does some of the most amazing work I have ever seen. Everything is super bold but somehow completely works. Below are just a few samples of a couple different homes they have completed! Check out their site though because there tons more amazing photos plus they have the best wallpaper ever!